MD. Gerson Aragón
Surgical Oncologist
High Specialization in Head and Neck
Oncologist – Radiotherapist
Co-founder doctor of Centro Internacional de Cáncer. It is a precursor at the Latin American level of programs on full body radiosurgery with the use of VMAT Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy. With postgraduate degrees in Radio-Oncology, Pediatric Radio-Oncology, IMRT, Radiosurgery and Fractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy to the brain and organs. He participated in the beginning of cerebral radiosurgery with gamma sources in El Salvador. Member of ALATRO, ASONCO and ESTRO oncology societies.
We are committed to providing specialized care to cancer patients through cutting-edge treatments with specialists committed to fighting the disease who provide support alongside the patient and their families.
Surgical Oncologist
High Specialization in Head and Neck
Clinical Oncology
Medical director.
Neurosurgeon oncologist.
Oncologist – Clinic
Medical Physicist
Medical Physicist
Clinical oncologist.
Oncologist – Radiation Therapist