Radiación: Una Realidad Ubicua y la Importancia en el Tratamiento del Cáncer

La palabra «radiación» a menudo se asocia con connotaciones negativas, generando preocupaciones sobre sus efectos en la salud. Sin embargo, es crucial comprender que la radiación es una parte natural y ubicua de nuestro entorno, y no toda la radiación es perjudicial. Radiación en la Naturaleza:Desde el amanecer hasta el anochecer, estamos rodeados por diferentes…

Cuídese de un cáncer colorrectal

Dr. Mauricio Trabanino, coloproctólogo. El intestino grueso o colon es la parte final del sistema digestivo y como cualquier tejido del cuerpo humano puede desarrollar tumores benignos y tumores malignos (cáncer). Los tumores malignos pueden comprometer la vida de la persona, por lo que todos debemos estar atentos a los signos y síntomas que estos…

VIII Congreso Alatro

El Congreso de ALATRO convertirá a Lima en punto deencuentro internacional de la oncología radioterápica. -La Asociación Ibero-Latinoamericana de Terapia Radiante Oncológica celebrarála octava edición del encuentro del 16 al 18 de noviembre en Perú. -Radiocirugía, SBRT en cáncer de pulmón, braquiterapia y el abordaje en distintos tipos de cáncer son algunos de los temas…

Stereotactic Gamma Ray Radiosurgery to the Centromedian and Parafascicular Complex of the Thalamus for Trigeminal Neuralgia and Other Complex Pain Syndromes

CyberKnife Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy as a treatment option for renal cell carcinoma: The complex case of a patient with unilateral renal agenesis Tatiana Soto-Monge, Ricardo Mejías and Luis Bermudez-Guzman Abstract Surgery is the standard treatment for local renal cell carcinoma (RCC), but many patients are medically inoperable and local approaches such as radiofrequency ablation and…

Stereotactic Gamma Ray Radiosurgery to the Centromedian and Parafascicular Complex of the Thalamus for Trigeminal Neuralgia and Other Complex Pain Syndromes

Radioneuromodulation by Dual-Target Irradiation in Pain Crisis From Trigeminal Neuralgia Eduardo E Lovo, Boheris Torres, Fidel Campos, Victor Caceros, William A Reyes, Kaory C Barahona, Claudia Cruz, Juan Arias , Eduardo Alho, William O Contreras. Abstract Introduction We report our initial series of patients treated with radiosurgery to the Centromedian (CM) and Parafascicular (Pfc) Complex…

Radioneuromodulation by Dual-Target Irradiation in Pain Crisis From Trigeminal Neuralgia

Radioneuromodulation by Dual-Target Irradiation in Pain Crisis From Trigeminal Neuralgia Eduardo E. Lovo, Alejandra Moreira, Kaory C. Barahona, Victor Caceros, Claudia Cruz, Juan Arias. Abstract Background Radioneuromodulation (RNM) can explain the immediate pain relief experienced by a subgroup of patients after stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) for trigeminal neuralgia (TN). In this study, our main objective was…

Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiforme: A Retrospective Multi-Institutional Experience

Eduardo E. Lovo, Alejandra Moreira, Kaory C. Barahona, Juliana Ramirez, Fidel Campos, Carlos Tobar, Victor Caceros, Morena Sallabanda, Kita Sallabanda Eduardo E. Lovo, Fidel J. Campos, Victor E. Caceros, Mario Minervini, Claudia B. Cruz, Juan C. Arias, William A. Reyes Introduction Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common and lethal primary malignancy of the central…

Automated Stereotactic Gamma Ray Radiosurgery to the Pituitary Gland in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients with Opioid Refractory Pain

Figure 1: Main three-dimensional views Three-dimensional views of the dose distribution to the 8 mm collimator shot attempting to place the higher isodose lines to the most posterior part of the neurohypophysis. A. Sagittal view that shows the pituitary stalk and the gland being covered by the 50% isodose line in green corresponding to 75 Gy,…

Gamma Ray Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia: Targeting Proximal or Distal to the Dorsal Root Entry Zone

Gamma Ray Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia: Targeting Proximal or Distal to the Dorsal Root Entry Zone Eduardo E. Lovo, Alejandra Moreira, Kaory C. Barahona, Boheris Torres, Alejandro Blanco, Victor Caceros, Fidel Campos, Alessandra Gorgulho. Introduction Stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia (TN) has gained interest among patients who are not suitable for surgical procedures. Although two…